I am Xuanzhao Gao, a PhD student in Hongkong University of Science and Technology. This is my personal website, hope you enjoy!
I am a PhD student at Hongkong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). My research interests include computational physics, application mathematics, and high-performance computing. I am currently working on the development of fast algorithms for kernel summation problems and tensor network contraction problems.
My Google Scholar profile can be found here, and my github can be found here.
How to implement generic matrix multiplication (GEMM) with generic element types on GPU?
This blog is a technical note for the Open Source Promotion Plan 2023 project "TropicalGEMM on GPU" released by JuliaCN, where I developed a Julia package CuTropicalGemm.jl calculate Generic Matrix Multiplication (GEMM) of Tropical Numbers on Nvidia GPUs.
Tensor Network Contraction Order Optimization with Exact Tree Width Solver
This blog is a technical note for the Google Summer of Code 2024 project "Tensor network contraction order optimization and visualization" released by The Julia Language, where I implemented an optimizer for tensor network contraction order based on tree decomposition in the Julia package OMEinsumContracionOrders.jl.
Finding the Optimal Tree Decomposition with Minimal Treewidth
This blog is a supplementary for the note Tensor Network Contraction Order Optimization with Exact Tree Width Solver, where I detailed introduce the algorithm to find the optimal tree decomposition with minimal treewidth of a given simple graph, and how it is implemented in Julia package TreeWidthSolver.jl.
CuTropicalGEMM.jl: A Julia package to speed up the generic matrix multiplication of Tropical Numbers using GPU.
ExTinyMD.jl: A simple but fast molecular dynamic framework in Julia.
ChebParticleMesh.jl: A Julia package to calculate the electrostatic potential of charged systems using Chebyshev interpolation (very similar to NUFFT).
TreeWidthSolver.jl: A Julia package to solve tree decomposition with minimal treewidth of a given simple graph.
EwaldSummations.jl: A Julia package to calculate the electrostatic potential of charged systems using Ewald summation.
OptimalBranching.jl: A Julia package to find the optimal branching rules for the maximum independent set problem.
Zecheng Gan, Xuanzhao Gao, Jiuyang Liang, and Zhenli Xu. Fast Algorithm for Quasi-2D Coulomb Systems. Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 524, 1 March 2025, 113733
Xuanzhao Gao, Xiaofeng Li, Jinguo Liu, and Zhenli Xu. Programming guide for solving constraint satisfaction problems with tensor networks. arXiv, December, 2024.
Xuanzhao Gao, Yi-Jia Wang, Pan Zhang, and Jin-Guo Liu. Automated Discovery of Branching Rules with Optimal Complexity for the Maximum Independent Set Problem. arXiv, December, 2024.
Xuanzhao Gao, Shidong Jiang, Jiuyang Liang, Zhenli Xu, and Qi Zhou. A fast spectral sum-of-Gaussians method for electrostatic summation in quasi-2D systems. arXiv, December, 2024.
Zecheng Gan, Xuanzhao Gao, Jiuyang Liang, and Zhenli Xu. Random Batch Ewald Method for Dielectrically Confined Coulomb Systems. arXiv, May 10, 2024.
Roa-Villescas Martin, Xuanzhao Gao, Sander Stuijk, Henk Corporaal, and Jin-Guo Liu. Probabilistic Inference in the Era of Tensor Networks and Differential Programming Physical Review Research 6, no. 3 (September 6, 2024): 033261.
XuanzhaoGao, and Zecheng Gan. Broken Symmetries in Quasi-2D Charged Systems via Negative Dielectric Confinement. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, no. 1 (July 7, 2024): 011102.
Fast Summation Algorithms and Tensor Network Methods for Scientific Applications, Postdoc job talk at Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Mathematics, online.
How to Implement Generic Matrix-Mul with Generic Element Types on GPU?, JuliaCN Meetup 2023, Shenzhen, China.
A Fast Algorithm for Quasi-2D Coulomb systems, Scicade 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
TreeWidthSolver.jl: From Treewidth to Tensor Network Contraction Order, JuliaCN Meetup 2024, Guangzhou, China.